Parnell Rotary Club

Volume 1 | Issue 30


27th November 2023
Nov 29, 2023
Reports and accounts
Dec 13, 2023
Dec 20, 2023
Christmas message from the Cathedral up the road.
View entire list
22nd November 2023
3 Minute Speaker
Speaker Introduction
Don, Peter
Fleming, Stephen
3 Minute Speaker
Stapleton, Malcolm
29th November 2023
Gormack, Phil
3 minute speaker
Jones, David
Welcome to yet another issue of the club's weekly bulletin! 
Attendance; A healthy 14 including our speakers.
Apologies; Ingrid, Colleen and David Jones.
Collin was an early leaver so few even sighted him
President's announcements: Malcolm announced there would be another working morning at the Parnell community garden to move another load of compost.
Sargent Wendy reminded us that it was the anniversary of J F Kennedy's assassination.
With no advice or interruptions from David, Wendy successfully raised over $180 of fines.
3 Minute Speaker was Pres Malcolm who we expected to speak on his recent trip to Spain.   But no, he must be holding that in reserve for when we need a fill in speaker.
In stead he warned us of the problems victims of the floods and landslips were having in getting their properties classified ,let alone receiving any compensation by now, nearly a year after the event.

Our Speakers were the boys from Forsyth Barr, who spoke on the state of the New Zealand economy.
The inflation rate may have peaked but the fall could be long and painful.
The exchange rate was tipped to rise to about 64 cents against the US dollar.
(Then I lost my second page of notes.....)
Meeting closed at 8.30
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