Welcome to another bulletin for 2024.
Attendance; 11 members .
Apologies: Collin, Malcolm, Ingrid and David Hogan.
Presidential announcements;
Standin President Peter Barron, reminded us that next weeks meeting was at La La Cafe, Parnell Rise at a slightly later time of 7.30am.
Sargent's Session.Wendy had been very diligent in organising the Time Out stock take slightly earlier than the 31st March end of financial year as her staff were clever enough to make the necessary adjustments.
Her cat has reached age of 14 years-something happened with King Charles in 1625,-1871 was the first Rugby match between England and Scotland-1914 was the first blood transfusion(just in time for war 1)-apparently small NZ towns drink more-white tail spider bites are proving bad for some people's health with long hospital stays-did you know you can now solar cook food in cars because of global warming?
Somehow nearly $200 was raised as some admitted to having birthdays.
3 Minute Speaker was Greg who thought we might like to know the itinary for his USA trip next few weeks-South Carolina then driving 7 hours to South Florida-family in Illinois-then to Iowa-then to Aimee in New York-then Atlanta-back to New York ......(and there was more).
Memo to self-"do not ask Greg where he has been when he returns".
Debate as to advantages of Dogs verses Cats.
Representing the barkers was Avis; won't judge-never lies-a true friend for life.They decide if they cannot eat it they just walk away--kick grass over the sh...t and move on-they are love and loyalty teachers-dogs enlarge your heart and won't let you go to the lu alone.
Representing the cats was Colleen-Noble cats have been domesticated and living with humans from thousands of years BC-treated as gods in Egypt-they demand attention and justice and consider themselves the one in control, rather than man-superiority displayed by the lift of a haughty tail-no need to be chained and kept outside.
Note Garath Morgan was not consulted for these opinions.
The President wisely considered the debate was a draw.
Meeting closed at 8.20.
Special breakfast meeting this wednesday at La La Cafe 7.30am.