Parnell Rotary Club

Volume 29 | Issue 37

17h May  Year  of our Lord 2023
Sargent  David opened the meeting by announcing that the eggs were ready however he subsequently claimed that they were not up to the usual standard!
There were 16 members present 
Apologies Max (still spending the kids' inheritance) Greg, Colin and Avis
Malcolm announced  that the club Changeover dinner would be on Saturday 1st July at 6:30pm The venue is The Terraces @ St Andrews Village 207 Riddell Road, Glendowie.  On-site parking is available. There will be canapes and a two course dinner  at $45/head (incl $5 to the club)
Drinks: Cash bar and  tea and coffee will be available at the bar at your cost.
MUNA (UN assembly for teenagers) sponsored by Rotary will take place on Friday 26th and Saturday 27th May 2023 at  Auckland Girls Grammar School. Volunteers are required. Further details  are available and the contact person is Jan Malcolm (Downtown Rotary)  0274442151
RYLA will start on Saturday 24th June - volunteers will be asked to run the dozen participants to the venue at Beachlands at some ungodly hour that morning  and return many of them the following Saturday. There is the normal dinner on the Friday night which is often great fun.  
The District Changeover Breakfast is on Saturday 1st July at the Howick Club, 107 Botany Rd at 8.00 to 11.00 am . Tickets $35 - go to
Peter B told us the Epsom Lodge is planning on moving its garden with work starting on 22nd June. Volunteers are called for. 
Trevor Crosby and Adrian Roche of Sanctuary Mahi Whenua Community Garden & Kelmarna Organic Garden have offered to host information gathering visits by club members on Sunday 28th May.  This will be an opportunity for club members to see how successful community gardens operate, the planning and work required to set them up and maintain them and to assess what costs may be involved in such  projects.  See:
Three members had had letters published in the Herald in the last week!
Jenny Craig NZ is going out of business, as Stephen wisely said,  "They're taking downsizing seriously"
Three minute speaker
New member Linda reminded us that May is Music Month. As part of the activities associated with this the council has funded a Digital Busker in Aotea Square. This  is a big black container with a large screen which plays music videos and can accept donations. She told us that as a proud mother - her son, based in New York, is the mastermind behind the project. 
Guest Speaker
Ingrid brought us up to date with the Rotary Regionalisation project. In overly simple terms it is decentralising some of the rules and regulations from Chicago, giving the Rotary Zones more freedom to vary Rotary practices to the local environment.  With more discretion coming to the Zones there will be a rationalisation of districts with less bureaucracy at district level. Our Zone, Zone 8, has twenty districts and sixteen countries in it.  Clubs will be encouraged to work together to achieve more community impact. 
It is believed that these changes will enable Rotarian spend more time on projects, doing good in the community, rather than administrative stuff. More details are available at
It is clear that Ingrid and her team have put a vast amount of work into these changes, overcoming passive resistance from current place holders and the inherent conservatism of century old organisations. Well done! 
The meeting concluded at 8.34
May 24, 2023
Co Governance
May 31, 2023
Employing disadvantaged employees
Jun 14, 2023
A political roundup
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24th May
Cowie, Don
3 Minute speaker
Don, Peter
Introduce speaker
Glucina, Drew
31st May
Gormack, Phil
3 Minute speaker
Hamilton, Nick
Introduce speaker
Jones, David
7th June
MacDonald, Rory
3 Minute speaker
Nelson, Avis
Introduce speaker
Stairmand, Colleen
Upcoming Events
Changeover Dinner
Jul 01, 2023 6:36 PM
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