Welcome to last 2023 bulletin.
Attendance; Too many to count.(and I cannot remember) but apologies from Malcolm ,David Jones, Peter Barron and Ted.
Presidential announcement that first meting in 2024 would be a casual preliminary meeting on 18th January.
3 minute speaker was a surprised David Hogan who spoke on his last century experience of partaking in one of the first Outward Bound courses, course number 10.
48 people who mainly were sponsored by the Justice Department (if you know what that means).
Had to row the cutter to Picton for repairs and the course was covered by TVNZ which meant some experiences had to be repeated for a better take.
Later in life David did the Air NZ scenic flight to the Antarctic, prior to Erabus.
Then worked for BNZ servicing US flights to the Antarctic at Christchurch airport.
Sergent's Session. Reminded us Madam Curie discovered Radium in 1898. David's Univercity Rugby club is named Bunnings rugby club of the year where he is one of the few life members.
Murray Ball was remembered as some book on him is available at all good book shops.
Managed to raise about $150 in fines
Speaker was Dean Anne from the Parnell Cathederal.
Born Papua New Guinea. Priested in 2002.became 10th Dean in 2017. Like her husband she was a teacher.
There will be 4 services on Xmas day and 3 on Sunday the day prior, so 7 services in 24 hours!( and all on public holidays at double time with a day off in lieu I presume)
Advent is celebrated with candles in 4 weeks prior to Xmas ,celebrating Hope, Peace, Love and Joy which is similar to many Rotary aims.
Dean Anne's father was a Rotarian
Dean hoped that we would all be blessed at Xmas.
We were updated on the Clearwater developement next to the Cathederal. Land leased long term, not sold.-28 apartments-all but 5 sold-Dean has arranged personal access to swimming pool for herself,so happy neighbour.
Meeting concluded at 8.26
See you 2024.